Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Sunday 8 March 2009

Today in humanities we went inside the class, we didn't find Mr. Sparks, he was absent. We sat down, Ms. Fletcher came in and took the attendance. I have always forgotten my homework diary, but this time i didn't. I had my homework diary and my reflection done to write on the blog. She asked us to go to the library to learn how to do the bibliography on www.easybib.com. I was chatting and pretending not to pay attention so that the Ms. Fletcher can call me to show the class how to do the easy bib. The teacher was telling people to go on easy bib and do it so she can prove to the class that, that person wasn't paying attention. I asked the teacher if I can go and show the class how to use it, I proved the teacher wrong and I started doing what im supposed to do. After all that, we went to the book section and we chose an Ancient and that's what we did during that lesson.

Thursday 5th March 2009

Today which is the last day of the week, Mr. Sparks sadly wasn't there. We had to choose 3 subjects from the list that you're intrested in. I chose the same questions as when the whole class did with Mr. Sparks because I found it the easiest. Ms. Fletcher asked us to look for questions that we were curious about, but not unusful information. I looked for questions in the book that i liked and some were from my head. I tried to get the most important questions. So Mrs. Fletcher and the subtitute helped us so much to feel comfortable with those questions, and gave us their real opinions about our own questions and made sure they were useful information. I finished my sheet during class and i didn't have homework, I only had homework writing a reflection about what we did during the week.

Tuesday 3rd March 2009

Today in humanities we were asked to hand in our homework. Which was to give a question to 3 subjects, Art&Architecture, Social classes, and Government/Law. I forgot to do my homework so i got punished, so I had to stay standing up till the teacher asks us to sit down. Al Anoud Al Attiya gave a good question to Mr. Sparks so he excused her to sit down, but to us he asked us to give him a question but we didn't have any questions to give. Al Maha Al Muhannadi gave a question so she was excused and she sat down... but i stayed up until i got a good question for " Social Classes " So i was excused 10seconds before the bell rang.

Monday, March 16, 2009

Monday 2nd March 2009

On Monday 2nd March, in humanities, we just finished our GIS and I'm so excited for this project and I was looking forward of getting a really good grade. I entered the class without any idea what unit we were going to start with. All of a sudden we hear the word "Early Civilization." I was so curious to know what we're going to do. First we split up the list into 5 groups, which are; Art&Architecture, Social Class, Goverment/Law, Religion, and Education. Then we gave Mr. Sparks the questions we had and at the end of the lesson he asked us to write a question for Goverment/law, social class, and art and architecture.