Saturday, May 23, 2009

Tuesday, 21 of April, 2009.

Today was a very good lesson for me! Mrs Fletcher gave us new websites that we can use other than Britannica and Grolier. It was just in the right time because i got so sick of britannica and grolier. And because of this we lost ten minuites because of that good cause. I didn't talk during today's lesson, instead i was summerizing paragraphs that could help people understand whats going on in Ancient Rome. After that, i looked for really good websites to use for the next lesson.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Sunday 20 April 2009

Today we went to a lab which we werent supposed to be in, so we had to move to another lab. In that lab, i was sitting next to Al Maha, Al Anood, and Alia. Alia was a talkitive person that wouldnt close her mouth. Since we didnt use that lab, we had to wait for ages for the computers to log on. When i logged on, i opened the site and researched about everything. Once the computer went on there was only a couple of minuites more. I only wrote a half of a note card, which wasn't a good thing. I think i should work on my time managment next time.

Sunday, 19th of April, 2009.

Today was such a good day for me. I worked a worser than yesterday but i got 3 note cards finished which was good. When the class first started I worked good, but not like yesterday. Because people were distracting me doing my work. I finished less cards than last lesson, i finished only 2 cards. Britannica was so useful for me, it had so many useful information. I still need to summerize one or two paragraphs more so i can finish the goverment and law topic. Hopefully next lesson i'll try to summerize it all tomorrow.

Thursday 16 April 2009

During today's lesson i was so quite and i didnt do so much noise. I asked the teacher for help if i didnt understand something. I ask the person next to me about Ancient Rome, and they would tell me what sites they were using, and i really worked this lesson. I worked so well, that Mr. Sparks wished i was like that every day. I wrote 4 cards back to back, about the goverment and law. The information i found was useful for the person who's going to read my essay. I have been looking for the most useful information in the website. Hopefully next lesson i'd be better than this lesson.

Tuesday 14 April 2009

Today was my first day in the multimedia lab. When we were there, Mrs. Fletcher helped us, and showed us how to do the shortcut for the page. To access for each website we had to use the account that was written next to the website. After doing this we had to create a short cut on our desktop, and i had to go to the nurse while doing it, because my nose was bleeding, which took me 30 minuites in the nurse wiping my nose off and it wont stop. When i came back, there was only 10 minuites more, i tried to catch up, but the internet was so slow so i couldnt do anything. I hope next lesson i would do much more.

Monday 13 april 2009

Today was our last day in the library. I got so many work done this period because i thought of prooving Mr. Sparks wrong about me getting a bad grade. I started working as hard as i can, and i tried to avoid the noises in the library even if it was annoying, but i still tried my best. I worked more on grolier till the end of the lesson. I found more information. I worked really hard today which made me end the lesson with 3 and a half cards back to back, filled up with useful information. I think i got enough information about the three main characteristics. Next lesson, as Mr.Sparks said, we're meeting in the class as we'll go as a group to the multimedia lab to research on the websites given.

sunday 12 april 2009

Today we spent 20 mins in the class, discussing who wants to spend 1 day in the library and most of us wanted that to happen. We all decided that we're going to stay the rest of the lesson and the next day in the library. When we got there i went straight away to the computers and i found a IB student working, so i asked the teacher to ask them if they can go somewhere else and he did. I found so many information even if the IB students were noisy. My work was good. I was on task most of the time, but the IB students were annoying me, and distracting me doing my work. I need to write more notes about social class. I can barely find information about social classes. Hopefully when i get a chance to go to the lab i will find information

Thursday 2nd April 2009

Today was our last lesson for us in the library and i was hoping that non of the IB students weren't sitting next to the computer and they werent over there. Grolier had so many information that i dont think i would find in the books. I think we need extra time in the library. Again today i also found information about the three main characteristics. I found new information today and i made notes on them. Mr. Sparks informed us that when we come back from the holiday we'll discuss what will happen, if we're going to stay 1 more day in the library or not. We may stay in the library for 1 day or 2 which is going to be great. I didn't realise that grolier had so many good information.

Monday 31 March 2009

Today was the second lesson of our last lessons in the library. I decided to finish using grolier because it was a very useful site and it had so many useful information. There were so many things about Goverment and law and i didnt know which one i should use. I searched everything one by one to know which one is more useful and I wrote 2 or 3 cards. Grolier had information that i never knew from before and information that i knew. I made 1 note card about each characteristic. I worked my best today so my essay would be so useful and good. Also sitting alone helped me concentrate on my work and get work finished.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Monday, 30 March 2009

Today was one of the last lessons before we finish from the library. I decided to work so much and put so much effort in my work, and i did. I tried my best looking for very good information. I didn't understand most of the words but i used the dictionary. I took an English book instead. I tried to work on Social class, and i did. I found so much useful information about goverment and law, art and architecture, and social class. Some were repeated in other paragraphs in the website and some weren't. I needed to find more informationa about social class. Today was a very good day for me and i worked so well that i finished 3 back to back cards.

Sunday, 29 of March, 2009.

Mr. Sparks told us that this is our last week in the library so i started working more and more. I found really good information about goverment and law and social class. I took all of my stuff and sat alone where it was quite and there wasn't any annoying sounds. IB students came and sat next to me which made me work less and it was a distracting me from doing my work. I didn't work well, i only worked a bit i finished 1 card back to back and i couldn't concentrate on my work. All of that affected me doing my work, because the IB students were laughing, talking, and wouldn't stop, and i couldn't help it or ask them to be quite because they wont. I may have like, 10 card of garbage which doesn't give details about Rome, but 4 cards which are so good that they give so much information.

Thursday, 26th March, 2009.

During today's lesson we also went to the library. Last lesson I saved the website on the desktop so I can use it for today and the next day. I worked well today because Mrs. Fletcher was working with me. Today i finished 2 note cards about Art and architecture and 1 card about goverment and law. I think when i sit somewhere quite and there's no one next to me, i could work better, because i wont have anyone talking to me, or me talking to anyone. From now on i'll sit somewhere quite so i can finish my work.

Tuesday, 24th March, 2009.

We were at the library this lesson, getting on with our research. I got onto the computer and started working right away. Even though there were sometimes that I got off my seat and wondered around wasting time, I managed to finish some of my work. I ended up with one note card which isnt impressing. I knew I could do better, but it was a bad choice for me to go and waste time. Next lesson, Im planning to work hard and end up with 2 or more note cards.

Monday, 23rd March 2009

During today's lesson we were at the library, researching. My goal was to keep on researching for more information on government & law. I found more information later on the lesson.During todays lesson I put more effort and worked harder than the last lesson to accomplish more work. By the end of the lesson I had 2 cards back to back, done. My goal for next lesson is to work that hard or even better.

Sunday, 22nd march 2009

In Today's lesson, I had difficulties finding information about the goverment and law. Thankfully, Ms.Fletcher help me as we found some of the main information. While researching, I figured that art and architecture is influenced by the country's culture, since their art explained their traditions. Most of the information I found doesnt give a fully answer to my questions, and because of that next lesson I'll work harder on the research part.

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Thursday 19 March 2009

Today there were 3 classes working in the library again. When I logged on I went on the computer logged on. I was planning on working alone inside without anyone disturbing me, IB students were on the table next to me and they wouldn't do their work they would start talking, talking, and talking. The noise level was loud so I went to Mr. Sparks and asked him if i can move but he told me i had to stay in my place so i did. I had to try my best to work here. Half way through the period some grade 8 students that i know and they sat on the table of the IB students and they wouldn't stop talking. It was very annoying me and i didn't have a choice. Hopefully for next week the noise level is going to be low.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Tuesday, 17 March, 2009

Today Mr. Sparks told us that we will be working in the library in the next two weeks, and that we should always come to the library straight away before going to class first. When I went to the library it was a bit calmer than yesterday but I still thought it was noisy. I found some new websites to use. Today I found more information about art and architecture and i finished 5 cards this lesson. Although some of the information that was written was a bit complicated so I had Mrs. Fletcher help me with that. She drew for me things so I can remember but it was funny how it was hard for me to understand what it said. There were some new words that I didn't know so I had to use . Some were hard to understand what it meant and some were easy to understand what they meant. When I used the, when i had to read the text again I actually understood and it made the text more clearer.

Monday, 16th of March, 2009.

Today we worked in the library again. This time there were a couple of classes over there which made my situation worse and I lost my concentration. The library was so noisy that you couldn't focus on your work. I went to Mrs. Fletcher and asked her what am I supposed to do now, because I couldn't see, she told me to go on a computer and work alone and she helped me putting the paragraphs into 1 sentence on my note card and today i finished 3 back to back note cards. I tried as hard as i can to stop the noise but it didn't work. I continued my work on the computer and got some information done. I wrote more than one card about Art and Architecture, and I tried my best working my brain so I can have more cards and it kind of didn't work but yes, I got work finished, but I was left behind. I hope that the next lesson is not going to be noisy as this time. Its hard for me to work in a very loud place. I need peace and quite so I can concentrate and do well done work. I wasn't late to class, and that made me not spend my lunch time with Mr. Sparks.

Sunday 15th of March, 2009.

It was our first day today in the library searching for books. When we got there everyone went rushing to the corner with the books about Ancient Civilizations and got the books they wanted. since there were too many people, i waited till people were done. By that time, the book that I wanted wasn't there. I found a really good books that talks about my three characteristics which are Art and Architecture, Social Classes, and Government and laws. I wanted to finish my work so I can get more information, but what I noticed when i saw the handwriting of the books, I couldn't see anything that was written, I decided to go to Mr. Sparks and tell him my situation and he asked Mrs. Fletcher of a good idea so I can do this project and Mrs. Fletcher decided to go to her office to photo copy it into a bigger text size, and I still couldn't see until she did the font really big. I spent a lot of time over there photo copying.

Thursday, 12 March, 2009

Today in class we went to the multimedia lab. In the multimedia lab Mrs. Boulanger came to teach us how to link our bloggers to our wikispaces. When we got there we all logged on to the computer and waited till she told us what step we could do next. Mrs. Boulanger asked us to close our screens so we don't get distracted and play with the computers instead of paying attention. When we did that she taught us how to create a new widget for our wikispaces for our everyday humanities journal. We had to call the widget "My Journal". When we were done doing that, we created a new blogger in our old one and linked it to our wikispaces. The blogger was called "Early Civilizations Journal - Shaikha ". It was a easy thing to do but some students had some difficulties. Once we were done Mr. Sparks asked us to open up our books to the past journal entries and we had to type them up. I had my book with me and I typed the first part of my journal and from there i stopped writing. When the bell rang i was almost done.