Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Sunday, 29 of March, 2009.

Mr. Sparks told us that this is our last week in the library so i started working more and more. I found really good information about goverment and law and social class. I took all of my stuff and sat alone where it was quite and there wasn't any annoying sounds. IB students came and sat next to me which made me work less and it was a distracting me from doing my work. I didn't work well, i only worked a bit i finished 1 card back to back and i couldn't concentrate on my work. All of that affected me doing my work, because the IB students were laughing, talking, and wouldn't stop, and i couldn't help it or ask them to be quite because they wont. I may have like, 10 card of garbage which doesn't give details about Rome, but 4 cards which are so good that they give so much information.

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