Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Thursday, 12 March, 2009

Today in class we went to the multimedia lab. In the multimedia lab Mrs. Boulanger came to teach us how to link our bloggers to our wikispaces. When we got there we all logged on to the computer and waited till she told us what step we could do next. Mrs. Boulanger asked us to close our screens so we don't get distracted and play with the computers instead of paying attention. When we did that she taught us how to create a new widget for our wikispaces for our everyday humanities journal. We had to call the widget "My Journal". When we were done doing that, we created a new blogger in our old one and linked it to our wikispaces. The blogger was called "Early Civilizations Journal - Shaikha ". It was a easy thing to do but some students had some difficulties. Once we were done Mr. Sparks asked us to open up our books to the past journal entries and we had to type them up. I had my book with me and I typed the first part of my journal and from there i stopped writing. When the bell rang i was almost done.

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