Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Sunday 15th of March, 2009.

It was our first day today in the library searching for books. When we got there everyone went rushing to the corner with the books about Ancient Civilizations and got the books they wanted. since there were too many people, i waited till people were done. By that time, the book that I wanted wasn't there. I found a really good books that talks about my three characteristics which are Art and Architecture, Social Classes, and Government and laws. I wanted to finish my work so I can get more information, but what I noticed when i saw the handwriting of the books, I couldn't see anything that was written, I decided to go to Mr. Sparks and tell him my situation and he asked Mrs. Fletcher of a good idea so I can do this project and Mrs. Fletcher decided to go to her office to photo copy it into a bigger text size, and I still couldn't see until she did the font really big. I spent a lot of time over there photo copying.

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