Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Tuesday, 17 March, 2009

Today Mr. Sparks told us that we will be working in the library in the next two weeks, and that we should always come to the library straight away before going to class first. When I went to the library it was a bit calmer than yesterday but I still thought it was noisy. I found some new websites to use. Today I found more information about art and architecture and i finished 5 cards this lesson. Although some of the information that was written was a bit complicated so I had Mrs. Fletcher help me with that. She drew for me things so I can remember but it was funny how it was hard for me to understand what it said. There were some new words that I didn't know so I had to use . Some were hard to understand what it meant and some were easy to understand what they meant. When I used the, when i had to read the text again I actually understood and it made the text more clearer.

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